the Jyd Project
The Mission Of The JYD Project Is To Provide At Risk Youth With Meaningful Opportunities To Expand Their Education, Physical Health And Spiritual Growth By Uniting A Diverse Community In Meaningful Tasks That Encourage Success
Providing Scholarship Opportunities For Our Youth

International Diplomacy
Don’t Wait For The Perfect Moment, Take The MOMENT And Make It PERFECT

Uniting Local Community Members, Schools and Students

Basketball Legends
Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die

Our vision
Inspire our youth to unite and reach their greatest potential
SFP’s Sports Diplomacy programs are international people-to-people exchanges that build mutual understanding and cooperation through basketball. Programs bring together those interested in sports, recreation, and leadership to promote tolerance, cooperation, and life skills using the platform of sports teamwork. These programs also give participants confidence and leadership skills that allow them to succeed in life. JYD Project partners with Choo Smith Foundation allowing student and NBARP alumni athletes to make a difference in the world.
SFP employs two basic models for sports diplomacy initiatives. In our Youth Camps, NBRPA coaches, athletes, and former players coach and mentor young athletes abroad. Young people enhance their sports skills while at the same time learning about how sports values can help them succeed in life. Trainings highlight skills such as perseverance, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership, and integrity which are as important in life as they are on any sports team.
The second model, Coach Training Workshops, allows coaches of youth teams to develop their sports coaching and training abilities. Coaches also learn leadership skills that allow them to work successfully with at-risk youth and players from communities in conflict.
SFP is working to expand successful models launched in India to other communities around the world.
Sports Diplomacy Programs have been sponsored by the U.S. government (Department of State and U.S. Embassies) with the support of NBA, individuals and corporations. JYD Project has conducted Sports Diplomacy initiatives since 2009.
Countries that have received a positive impact due to the Shooting For Peace Sports Diplomacy Programs:
Philippines | Belarus | Israel | India | Canada